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Project Outline - Hjälp!!
- campfire
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2016-10-26
- Inlägg: 1
Project Outline - Hjälp!!
Jag har försökt att skriva en Project Outline, men kommer ingen vart, och därför bestämde mig att fråga om hjälp. I spoiler finns instruktionerna min lärare angav.
Vilka delar av texten ska fylla ut 2000 ord? Jag tror inte resultat ska ha mycket text som är en sammanfattning, om inte jag använder en tes som täcker en stor yta.
Hur mycket brukar Discussion/Analysis vara jämfört med resultat? Får jag inte skriva om möjliga teorier i Discussion/Analysis?
Jag tänkte också ta ämnet om hemlösheten i UK, där en stor sak som arbetslösheten och boendekostnad är relevant till ämnet, och därmed är det logiskt möjligt att hitta mer källa, eller det är vad jag förmodar.
Fungerar en tes som påstår att mindre hänsyn till hemlösheten förstör [något] i samhället eller whatnot. Eller kanske som tes frågar hur hemlösheten kan minskas.
Tacksam för all hjälp.
Skulle vara tacksam om ni kunde klargöra hur kravet på 2000 ord går ihop med Project Outlines egenskap.
Är tacksam för all hjälp för att klargöra saker om Project Outline krav för
Spoiler (Klicka för att visa):
Project Outline
1. Oral and written presentation of a paper of approximately 2000 words.
2. Write an in-depth paper on a subject connected to the English-speaking world. This means any country in the world where English is the official language or one of the official languages.
3. Choose one specific matter (your thesis statement) within the following fields: politics, religion, history, science, social life, sports, literature, film, art or music. An easy way to develop your thesis is to make it into a question that your essay will answer. What is the primary question or hypothesis that you are going to go about proving in your paper? Get my approval before you get started.
The thesis statement is a 1-2 sentence statement at the beginning of your paper that states the main goal or argument of your paper. Although you can alter the wording of your thesis statement for the final draft later, coming up with the main goal of your essay must be done in the beginning. All of your body paragraphs and information will revolve around your thesis, so make sure that you are clear on what your thesis is.
4. A bibliography (don’t forget to include Internet-addresses and other sources according to instructions in the template), a personal introduction with a clear purpose and a discussion/analysis/conclusion must be included.
5. Remember that you must use at least three English sources (do not use Wikipedia) to be able to present results, discuss them and draw conclusions. You must use sources in English.
6. NOTE Only keywords can be used for the oral presentation, no script.
The following must be included:
ABSTRACT (a brief summary to be written after the project has been
Presentation of the thesis statement Background information
Explain how you are going to carry this out, interviews, articles, experiments etc.
Present the output of your reading (i.e. summarize, paraphrase or quote what you have found in texts and articles in an objective and neutral way. No personal opinions or thoughts!
Remind the reader of the thesis statement. Summarize the most important results and their consequences. Interpret and analyse your reading. First, restate the overall purpose of the study. Then explain the main finding as related to the overall purpose of the study. Next, summarize other interesting findings from the results section. What are your own conclusions, thoughts and opinions of your reading?
Bring the whole paper to a close. Summing up the whole experience of writing the paper. Draw conclusions of your work. What would you do in a different way if you were to do it all over again? Did you achieve what you wanted? Did you find out what you expected to find? Make recommendations that are meaningful, unique, and relate to the results of the study to other people. No new facts in this section.
The goal of the conclusion, in very simplified terms, is to answer the question, “So what?” Make sure the reader feels like he/she has come away with something.
Before you start writing the paper
(Brainstorm i.e. make a list of all the things that come to mind when thinking about your topic.
Limit the things you have listed down to a number of the most interesting thing(s). Put your principal question or possibly two questions into words. For what purpose/why have you chosen this particular question?)
Aim/Goals (This is what I want to achieve/prove/find out .) Method (How I am going to achieve my goals?)
Senast redigerat av campfire (2016-10-26 06:25)