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Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
- PluggaSmart
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2015-01-10
- Inlägg: 406
Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Jag har skrivit en relativt kort text/artikel på engelska och skulle behöva lite feedback. Det är ingen skoluppgift, har fortfarande jullov.
Syftet med texten är att jag vill förbättra mina skrivfärdigheter på engelska. Skulle ni kunna läsa igenom den och ge mig feedback och övriga tips. Ju mer desto bättre
Ni får gärna betygsätta den!
Sida 1:
Sida 2:
Tack på förhand!
Senast redigerat av PluggaSmart (2017-01-09 06:58)
It’s okey to not know, but it’s not okey to not try!
- joculator
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2012-09-12
- Inlägg: 3920
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
How does a car work. (inte works)
How a car works.
- PluggaSmart
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2015-01-10
- Inlägg: 406
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Fler tips?
Hur är texten i sin helhet?
Senast redigerat av PluggaSmart (2017-01-09 09:43)
It’s okey to not know, but it’s not okey to not try!
- Luft
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2014-09-18
- Inlägg: 4794
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Om det inte är en skoluppgift, förstår jag inte varför du måste ta screenshot av texten, går bara att kopiera och klistra in den?
A complicated thing is just a bunch of simple things put together.
- Görel
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2017-01-10
- Inlägg: 1
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Hej! Trevlig och intressant text, men det finns några språkproblem. Det bästa vore förstås om du visade den för en person med engelska som modersmål, men några saker kan vi nog hjälpa till med. Men posta gärna texten som Word-dokument så blir det lättare att "korra".
- Yngve
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2015-09-13
- Inlägg: 2941
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Hej och välkommen hit Görel!
Nothing else mathers
- PluggaSmart
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2015-01-10
- Inlägg: 406
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Okej, tack så mycket för att ni är villiga att hjälpa till
Här är texten:
How does a car work?
Have you ever wondered how a car works? They are everywhere, in the countryside, in the cities, in the neighborhoods. You can find them in almost every street, in every state, in every country, right? But how do they get from point A to B. And what make some cars more expensive than others?
In this article you will get all the answers of the questions above.
So how does cars get from place to place? You have probably heard the simplified explanation. You tank the car; the fuel goes to the engine, which generate power and sends it to the wheels. The wheels in turn make the car move. Not so complicated, right?
But how does the engine generate power from the fuel? And how does it send all the power to the wheels?
As you probably know, a car has an engine, 4 wheels and a tank where all the fuel is stored.
The wheels are connected to the so-called drivetrain, either all four wheels or just two of them. If all four wheels are connected to the drivetrain, then the car has a so-called all-wheel drive (AWD). This means that the engine of the car gives power to all the four wheels. If only two wheels are connected to the drivetrain, the car has two-wheel drive. Front-wheel drive (FWD), if only the two front tires are connected to the drivetrain respective rear-wheel drive (RWD) if only the rear wheels are connected to the drivetrain.
So if you see cars with one of these monikers (AWD, FWD, RWD), you will know what they actually stand for, hopefully!
Let us move to engines now. We have discussed how the drivetrain sends power to the wheels, but how does it sends the power? And from where does it get it?
A cars drivetrain consists of three important parts, the engine, the transmission and of course the wheels.
There are seven different types of drivetrain layouts; each layout has its own characteristics. But mainly, the different layouts decide where the engine of the car is placed and which of the wheels that get power.
The simplest and most common types of cars are those which has their engine at the front and has either (AWD) or (FWH). They are usually more economic and safer than (RWD), for instance. They also fit most of the people better, since the engine is placed at the front. This allows you to store more stuff in the trunk. If the engine would have been placed at the rear part of the car, the result would have been, less space.
Therefore most of the everyday cars have their engines at the front, in order to be more economic and flexible.
Yes, there are some cars, Audi R8, and Porsche 911, for instance, which have their engine at the back of the car, rear-mounted engine. This design is incredibly popular among sport cars because you will get a faster acceleration and braking ability, if the power source is placed behind the rear axle. Therefore that is the advantage of cars with rear-mounted engines. But what about the disadvantages? Less trunk space is just one. Another one is that these kinds of cars usually have real-wheel drive, and those cars are prone to a type of skidding, also knows as overseer. Oversteer is when the rear end of the car slides out of line of the front. This can be hard to control, especially in bad weather conditions, which can result in an accident.
Lastly, I will just highlight my opinion about the subject.
Personally, if I would buy a car then I would go for one with either (FWD) or (AWD) because it is much safer than cars with (RWD), particular in inclement weather.
Another reason is the space, which is most people’s first priority when buying a car.
It is still some years left before I can take a driving license and buy a car. But when I hopefully will buy one, the speed won’t the most important part.
I would prefer an economic and safe car with plenty of space, not a car with 500 horsepowers. What would I do with a car like that, yes it is fast but safety comes first. And we have speed limits to follow, right?
It’s okey to not know, but it’s not okey to not try!
- annlu
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2016-11-02
- Inlägg: 58
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Bra text!
Jag är absolut ingen expert på engelska så hoppas andra här på pluggakuten hojtar till ifall nått blir fel eller upptäcker andra saker i din text. Jag skriver mina förslag till förbättringar [i hakparanteser] och stryker undan sådant som är fel eller kan formuleras bättre.
PluggaSmart skrev:
Have you ever wondered how a car works? They are everywhere, in the countryside, in the cities, in the neighborhoods. You can find them in almost every street, in every state, in every country, right? But how do they get from point A to [point] B. And what make some cars more expensive than others? In this article you will get all the answers of [to] the questions above.
So how does cars get from place to place [one place to another]? You have probably heard the simplified explanation. You tank [fill up] the car; [,] the fuel goes to the engine, which generate power and sends it to the wheels [alternativ: …the fuel goes to the engine, the engine generates power and the power is sent to the wheels]. The wheels in turn make the car move. Not so complicated, right? But how does the engine generate power from the fuel? [Du svarar aldrig på detta] And how does it send all the power to the wheels?
[Har markerat ord som du upprepar väldigt ofta i fetstil, formulera gärna om hela stycket nedan]
As you probably know, a car has an engine, 4 [four] wheels and a tank where all the fuel is stored. The wheels are connected to the so-called drivetrain, either all four wheels or just two of them. If all four wheels are connected to the drivetrain, then the car has a so-called all-wheel drive (AWD). This means that the engine of the car gives power to all the four wheels. If only two wheels are connected to the drivetrain, the car has two-wheel drive. Front-wheel drive (FWD), if only the two front tires are connected to the drivetrain respective rear-wheel drive (RWD) if only the rear wheels are connected to the drivetrain. So if you see cars [a car] with one of these monikers (AWD, FWD, RWD), you will know what they [it] actually stand [stands] for, hopefully!
Let us move [on] to engines [the engine] now. We have discussed how the drivetrain sends power to the wheels, but how does it sends the power? [du säger samma sak båda gångerna] And from where does it get it?
A cars [car's] drivetrain consists of three important parts, [: ;] the engine, the transmission and of course the wheels. There are seven different types of drivetrain layouts; each layout has its own characteristics. But mainly, the different layouts decide [define/tell us/…] where the engine of the car [car engine] is placed and which of the wheels that get power.
The simplest and most common types of cars are those which has [have] their engine at the front and has [have] either (AWD) or (FWH) [du har redan introducerat förkortningarna och kan då använda dem utan parantes]. They are usually more economic and safer [safer and more economical] than (RWD), for instance. They also fit most of the people better, since the engine is placed at the front. This [skriv med fördel ihop meningarna] allows you to store more stuff in the trunk. If the engine would have been [is] placed at the rear part of the car, the result would have been, [is] less space.
Therefore most of the everyday cars have their engines at the front, in order to be more economic [economical] and flexible. Yes, there are some cars, Audi R8, and Porsche 911, for instance, which have their engine at the back of the car, [so-called] rear-mounted engine. This design is incredibly popular among sport cars because you will get a faster acceleration and braking ability, if the power source is placed behind the rear axle. Therefore that is the advantage of cars with rear-mounted engines. But what about the disadvantages? Less trunk space is just one. Another one is that these kinds of cars usually have real-wheel drive, and those cars are prone to a type of skidding, also knows as overseer. Oversteer is when the rear end of the car slides out of line of the front. This can be hard to control, especially in bad weather conditions, which can result in an accident.
Lastly, I will just highlight my opinion about the subject. Personally, if I would buy a car then I would go for one with either (FWD) or (AWD) because it is [they are] much safer than cars with (RWD), particular [particularly] in inclement weather. Another reason is the [bigger trunk] space, which is most people’s first priority [är det?] when buying a car.
It is [There are] still some years left before I can take a driving license and buy a car. But when I hopefully will buy one, the speed won’t [be] the most important part [thing/factor...]. I would prefer an economic and safe car with plenty of [trunk?] space, not a car with 500 horsepowers [används ej i plural]. What would I do with a car like that [lätt att först tro att du syftar på den bil du vill köpa], yes it is fast but safety comes first. And we have speed limits to follow, right?
Senast redigerat av annlu (2017-01-10 16:09)
- annlu
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2016-11-02
- Inlägg: 58
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Lite generella tips för att förbättra din engelska (och allmänt din skrivförmåga):
Fortsätt såklart att skriva som du gör nu och låt andra läsa och kommentera dina texter. Ta till dig lärares feedback och fråga vad han/hon tycker saknas i dina texter för att nå högre betyg. Ju mer engelska du läser/hör (alla typer av texter/filmer/serier/dokumentärer) desto mer känsla får du för hur du själv kan skriva och uttrycka dig. Jag tycker det verkar som att du har en stabil grund att stå på, så det är bara att fortsätta i samma riktning.
Något du kan tänka på är att läsa igenom din text flera gånger och aktivt omformulera stycken och meningar. När man efter en paus (några timmar, en halv dag, en dag) kommer tillbaka till sin text, kan man läsa den med nya och kritiska ögon. Man får en känsla för hur läsaren uppfattar texten och kan lättare se ifall man hoppar för mycket eller om man upprepar sig. Du skulle också för varje genomläsning lättare upptäcka de typiska felen som t.ex. make/makes, has/have där du glömmer att böja verbet efter person/subjekt.
Du skulle kunna utveckla den röda tråden i din text. I arbeten som har en inledning, huvudtext och avslutning är det viktigt att allt hänger samman. Jag tycker att du väldigt tydligt i titel och inledning talar om vad artikeln ska handla om (How does a car work, how do they get from point A to point B, what makes some cars more expensive than others? In this article you will get all the answers to the questions above). Du följer sedan upp dessa frågor i de följande styckena så läsaren påminns om vad texten handlar om och är med på det du skriver (So how does cars…, You have probably heard…, Not so complicated right? As you probably know, …Let us move on to…We have discussed…but how does…) Jättebra! Förutom att du talar om exakt vad som komma skall har du en härligt nära relation till läsaren och man får en tydlig och pedagogisk beskrivning om bilens uppbyggnad.
I sista stycket innan avslutningen (där du berättar om designen på rear-monted engines och rear-wheel drives) pratar du inte bara om själva designen och hur exempelvis sportbilar fungerar, utan du tar även upp att de är farligare, särskilt i dåligt väglag. Intressant men det börjar svänga bort från den röda tråden. Du avslutar sedan din text med en personlig reflektion om ditt framtida bilköp och ett visdomsord om att inte åka för snabbt (safety comes first, speed limits). Intressant igen, men ur den röda trådens perspektiv kommer denna avslutning lite oanmäld.
Du kan presentera detta bättre genom att lägga till i inledningen att du kommer att behandla också säkerhet. Och i avslutningen kan du gärna återknyta till de viktigaste punkterna i en liten sammanfattning. Exempelvis (för att du ska få en ide om hur det kan se ut):
But how do they get from point A to point B. And what makes some cars more expensive than others? Or safer? In this article you will get all the answers to the questions above and maybe even a personal thought or two on the subject.
Now when we, hopefully, know how a car works, I would like to linger on the subject safety. There are still some years before I …
Now we know how a car works and what we pay for when it comes to engine power, safety and trunk space. What do you think is the most important factor when buying a car? For me...
Allt som allt en bra text! Fortsätt så! Kolla gärna in sidor som listar ord och uttryck man har nytta av i sitt skrivande: … ssays.html Du använder redan flera av dem och de ger verkligen ett lyft för hela texten.
- PluggaSmart
- Medlem
- Registrerad: 2015-01-10
- Inlägg: 406
Re: Engelska text/artikel ÅK 9
Tack så mycket för all hjälp
Jag har (tack vare er) lärt mig otroligt mycket av denna text!
Senast redigerat av PluggaSmart (2017-01-11 08:35)
It’s okey to not know, but it’s not okey to not try!