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Uppgift Eng5



Registrerad: 2016-09-18
Inlägg: 4

Uppgift Eng5

Hej, går andra året på gymnasiet och har en skrivuppgift i engelska 6. Uppgiften lyder: Certain Rockgroups are very provocative, both in appearance and in their lyrics. In what way do you think these groups influence people? CAn certain types of music carry a political or an ideological message? Classical music is often considered relaxing or comforting. Dance or pop music might be what you listen to at other times-all depending on your mood. Discuss what effects music can have on people. Title The Power of Music. Mellan 300 och 600 ord

Jag har totalt hjärnsläpp och vet inte vad jag ska skriva. Jag har börjat lite men kommer inte på mer

Detta är vad jag har skrivit hittills. Ni får jättegärna rätta det jag skrivit och ge tips på vad jag kan skriva om mer.

The power of music
Music plays an important role in most people’s lives.We listen to music in our earphones while walking to school, when when we are going to fall asleep or together at big liveconcerts. Music can affect us in many different ways, it calm us down if we are stressed, it can help us to concentrate and it can spread opinions and messages.We listen to different kind of music at different times. We do not listen to Death Metal when we are going to sleep and we will not listen to a cheerful pop song if we are really angry.

Music can not only change people's mood, it has been a great way to spread provocative opinions and thoughts that are not accepted by everyone in the community and many famous artists and groups use music to say what they think on political issues. It is mostly rock groups that have these types of lyrics and I think that rock is the genre that has the greatest impact on people. Big stars that many look up to will automatically get a lot of power and a major influence, especially among young people. But I think that rock music had a even greater impact on people for 20 or 30 years ago. Then you could often see if a person was listening to rock or not. They often had special clothes and their own style. But that is not so common today.

Music is also a way for people to meet and have fun. Both at home with your family or out with friends. In the past, fire was a natural place where people gathered. Music works in the same way nowadays.

Senast redigerat av UppsalaErik (2017-01-10 17:05)

Henrik E


Registrerad: 2015-09-22
Inlägg: 3189

Re: Uppgift Eng5

Bra men några fel som du själv får rätta.
* it calm
* different kind
* for 20 to 30 years ago
* was listening (= höll på att lyssna)
* fire (skriv campfire)



Registrerad: 2016-11-13
Inlägg: 22

Re: Uppgift Eng5

affect= effect
calm us= calms us

Hej! Jag heter Aya Omar och är 14 år gammal. Hjälper till med allt från matematik, NO, SO, Svenska och Engelska.
Kontakta mig på PM om du undrar något.
Besök gärna min webbsida:
Henrik E


Registrerad: 2015-09-22
Inlägg: 3189

Re: Uppgift Eng5

Nej, affect är rätt.



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